We are looking for applicants for the following paid positions with Community CVS: –
Training and Relationship Manager (two posts)
- Employed by: Community CVS
- Salary: £30,984 to £32,798
- Hours: 37 hours per week, including evenings and weekends if required
- Responsible to: Programme Manager
- Closing date: Monday 5th December at 12 noon
- Interviews: TBA
- Download the job description
- Download the person specification
- Download background information on the project
- Download the application form – return to Clair Bloomfield
Summary of post
You will work with colleagues and partners to develop and deliver the Upskilling the Health and Social
Care Workforce across Lancashire programme and associated activity to support the development
and growth of the VCFSE (voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations) and
private sector as part of the Integrated Health System.
You will undertake organisational diagnostics and skills audits which will be used to develop
workforce development plans and individual learning plans, in consultation with the organisation and
employees. Working with the management team and colleagues to develop the CVS/ Upskilling
curriculum, you will also create bespoke training offers, plan, deliver and assess training according to
your specialism.
It is also expected that you will be able to build relationships with external organisations to promote
the Upskilling Project, ongoing training and recruit participants to fill training sessions.
This post is funded by external projects and will be funded by the European Structural and
Investment Funds until 31st December 2023.