Community CVS will support you to identify sources of funding, apply for small grants and provide guidance on how to write good applications.
Sources of funding
Our fortnightly e-bulletins feature links to the latest funding opportunities. To subscribe, please e-mail Graham Aspin
Guidance on Applications
On the website are a number of links that provide excellent guidance on writing applications to give you the best chance of success. Click here to see them ( link to small grant funding page) Community CVS staff can also provide support. Contact us
Community CVS periodically puts on workshops in which we invite funders to come to speak to groups. We can also point you in the direction of other sources of training on making funding applications and project planning that are either on-line or delivered by local partners. Contact us .
Small Grants
Community CVS has a legacy of distributing small grants to the community on behalf of the Borough Council and other funding bodies. Since 2002 we have distributed over £2.8 million to community groups. ( nb link to small grants page)