BCSP briefings, presentation and training packages have been developed in response to requests from local community members, groups and by professional working in community services in Lancashire and beyond. The training we offer is listed below: –
Bronze BCSP
A 15-minute session that contains basic information about the BCSP.
Silver BCSP
A 30-minute session that contains the basic information along with NHS England North West/ICB localised data. The training is aimed at members who would like to develop BCSP project and to give them an overview of the key issues around uptake and barriers to uptake.
A 60 to 120 minutes session that contains basic information about the BCSP, several interactive resources to help engage with communities and promote awareness of the bowels and the BCSP. The training is offered to community members and local communities wanting to learn more about the BCSP.
Includes Bowel Bingo – Don’t Gamble with your Bowels!!! (Developed by Bolton Community Network) a light hearted game, where each number drawn relates to a fact about Bowel Cancer Screening Programme – Number 2 – Check your POO…
BCSP Bowel Champions Training
This training package is aimed at community members wanting to become bowel champions.
BCSP, Specialist Screening Practitioners & Capacity & Consent training
This training is offered to front line staff within LD supported living accommodation, domiciliary care and to family carers. The 45-minute training includes: –
A verbal presentation on why bowel cancer awareness is important, causes of bowel cancer, signs and symptoms, what the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is and how to complete a Fit test, results after the test kit has been completed.
A video recorded by the Deputy Lead Specialist Screening Practitioner Lancashire BCSP explaining what happens at a Screening Specialist Practitioners appointment and colonoscopy.
A video recorded by Empowerment explaining the rights of individuals with a learning disability on being able to either complete or decline a testing kit and who to speak to if the individual lacks capacity around the BCSP.
The package is aimed at front line staff in statutory and voluntary organisations that are unable to attend face to face training.
If you think there are groups that would benefit from the training/presentation, or you would like to have an informal chat regarding the programme and what best suits you or your organisation then please do not hesitate to contact Lorraine.morris2@nhs.net.