Do you have a wonderful neighbour that helps out? Keeps the place tidy? Helps other neighbours? Goes that extra mile? If so then nominate them today.
If they are picked as a finalist they will be invited to an event at King Georges Hall on Thursday 2nd November to receive their award and an evening full of entertainment, food and refreshments.
Peter Wallace – 2019 Winner
“I just like to see everything tidy, safe and clean…I keep my eye on everything make sure there’s no trouble”
Peter litter picks daily, he helps neighbours put out their rubbish, carry’s out small repairs on locks and sheds etc. he also keeps the trees and shrubs tidy.
“Peter sees the work he does as a way of getting out and about not for the recognition, Peters volunteering has made a significant impact on the community.”
Michael Neary – 2019 Finalist
“I like helping people, it gives me great pleasure and I’m so much better off for giving….”
Michael volunteers at The Voice Saturday Breakfast club, Community CVS and Together Housing, he also helps the homeless.
“Michael is a wonderful generous individual….who never stops giving……he is a ray of sunshine”
Peter Craine – 2021 Winner
Peter Craine “I Worked until covid for 16 years at Bootstrap Enterprises then got made redundant, current health issues resulted in me being advised not to go back into work straight away I currently volunteer and do a number of different things -litter Picking, Grit Squad, Back alley Transformation Squad, Library, Police, Youth Awareness Project, Forestry Warden, Run Leader, bike ride leader, Swim Host, covid marshal, covid community champion, community ambassador, community emergency response volunteer, food waste hero, redistribute surplus food and few other little things as and when they come along .
The best thing is actually seeing over time people’s lives change for the better, as much as it helps others it also helps me as I suffer with mental health and during covid all my assistance was taken away or stopped. All these activities I volunteer at have helped me bridge that gap that was left and once you see the difference you can make that really does motivate you. Don’t hesitate to volunteer you meet some great characters along the way”
Carole Davies – 2021 Finalist
Carole Davies “I have been working at the Clifton Arms for 16 years, so I have been involved with my local community for that long.
“While volunteering over the years I have helped with giving out foods as well as fundraising, sponsored walks, getting local people involved and preventing loneliness, raffles, free veg, Community drops, Mental health team, colouring and activities. I have just wanted to Help everyone the best way I possibly can and “just to make someone’s day better.”
“Once a month I get involved with the young at heart organisation where this helps “bridge the gap between the young and old” I volunteer because of what I get out of it I just aim to make a person smile. The way the world is today , there is always going to be someone worse off than you, more alone than you, struggling more than you and helping those people is very rewarding. Volunteering is good for the soul, both your own and that of others, Caring and making people feel they are wanted and important – there isn’t anything better.”
Delroy Chung – 2022 Winner
“I began Volunteering whilst still living in London with my local community. When we moved to Lancashire I continued with the local community like the Grow Zone and various other project in Energy Zone, now I am volunteering with Blackburn with Darwen Carer’s Services. I was with the Fair share Project collecting the food from Preston and helping with the distribution, currently assisting with the BwD Carers project at the Café Hub in Darwen, I will also soon be starting to volunteer with the sit in project after training. I enjoy all the activities, I really love being helpful and the sense of giving back to the community, meeting new people and making new friends, it is really wonderful and to be able to give something back for all the goodness life has given me. I would recommend volunteering for everyone just go for it and enjoy the pride and joy of doing something for others, and the sense of doing something worthwhile, and enjoy the benefits of helping your community” Delroy Chung
Mehrun Jogee – 2022 Finalist
“I have lived in the Audley area for a long, long time. I see the rubbish within my area and small things like that matter to people, I don’t just want to clean up, but educate the future generations, hence I try to work with all the children and express community concerns regarding cleanliness. I also look at people who are homeless and have no food, I also help the elderly with in my area, by cleaning and cooking for them. It is so important to help others live a dignified life. I enjoy helping others, I get satisfied that I am able to help the neediest, I like to build my skills by helping people, it gives me satisfaction on a different level, it gives my life a purpose. I meet wonderful people through my volunteering, and it’s always a pleasure to listen to people . The importance of just saying good morning to some people is the world, and I want to be that world where I can make a difference to people’s lives.”
“I am a 60-year-old Dad, Grandad, Husband and all-round family man. I have been volunteering since my younger adult days in youth clubs, the community and community events. About ten years ago myself and neighbours set up the local residents group Romney Voices to help improve the community, to bring people together and bring back that good old sense of community. 5 years ago, we set about reducing food waste to help combat environmental problems opening SEBs food club which quickly evolved into supporting those who need help, from single parent families to overworked under paid nurses. The group and I are passionate in ensuring food waste is limited and helping those where we can. Romney Voices is just as passionate in bringing the communities together and has especially enjoyed hosting events this year post covid and seeing the same enthusiasm from those who attended the events. I enjoy the chaos; the pressure and the distraction the work brings from the day-to-day mundane and recent health problems I have had this year.”